Prof. Jessica Penner | OL33 | Fall 2021

Buhiyan Md Fazle Rabbi, Social Justice Brainstorm

I decided to write about early marriage issues for the annotated bibliography project.  

I think after the search I learned about a couple of new things and some of them I already knew. I have some ideas about this issue already before. When I was searching, I saw how trafficking in person can turn into an early marriage. I did not realize that before. How a girl can be forced to get married to someone because of fear. After trafficking they tortured the girl and showed them what could happen to them, and many chose to get married to get out of extra trouble. I got to know about different countries’ early marriage issues. These are some examples.  

Some of my questions are: 

1) Why is there not enough law to stop this kind of thing from happening? 

2) How can people do this to a little girl? 

3) Is there any solution in near future? 


  1. Jacky Li

    Hi Buhiyan,
    I agree with you that it is unfortunate that this kind of forced marriage still occurs today. I was not too aware of this issue. I would like to know more about the context surrounding this problem such as what leads to someone making this type of arrangements in the first place, where this is happening, and also what type of action people are taking to aid in this problem.

  2. Demetrius Brown-Williams

    I think the topic is interesting and worthy of discussion. I think exploring the lack of laws on the issue would be a good route because you can see what has and hasn’t been passed to help the issue up till now.

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