The character of Antigone, comes as someone who is a rebel. Someone who is not afraid to do what is it she thinks is right even if that means death. With that being said the person I think who would play Antigone would be Emma Stone. She has the ability of playing the rebel. Playing a character who is standing up for what she think is right. Ismene comes off to me as scared, follows the law, yet loyal. The person I believe would play her would be Zendeya. She can do the role of following the law but in the end being loyal to her sister.

If Creon was alive the platform he would be using would be Twitter. The reason for that is because he is a high official, ruler of the land. That means he would have a lot of followers. The majority of those followers are people he rules most likely. He would be able to get messages and spread his words to his people and more with ease. He has that strong persuasive attitude to make you believe what he says is factual. This Helps in getting people to agree with him.

Lines 25-35: “My people, I have come to a decision. Let it be known now that with my great leadership we must follow this new rule. Let Eteolcles be set to rest with all the standard rights associated with death. Polyneices on the other hand shall rot. He became an enemy of the state and tried to KILLS US. He is not to have the same rights, DO NOT BURY HIM.