After reading through the play, I would describe Antigone as determined, pure or good-hearted and a leader simply because she doesn’t have bad intentions of burying her brother, she just feels as if it is unfair that only ones gets to get buries and so she wants to take action or take control and do it since her sister Ismene doesn’t want to. Ismene I would describe as a rule follower and sturdy in a way where she hold her ground with her belief that King Creon her father is right with the rules he set for this burial of the brother. While reading this I thought about the movie Frozen with sisters Elsa and Ana and I would cast Ana as Antigone and Elsa as Ismene because they share the same traits.

After reading Creon’s monologue, I get a very strict leader vibe from him. The way he speaks and reacts to the guard is very aggressive and bossy in a sense. If Creon were to have a social media, I would definitely see him in Twitter or Instagram either going live and saying what he has to say or sharing stories or posts on Twitter ranting. His character also gives me very much fire nation leader vibe from Avatar the last Airbender show.