There’s a lot of information on the Agenda for you to absorb, so I’m not going to have a long Announcement, but there’s a few things I want to point out:

  1. The due date for the Unit 1 Writing Assignment is this Wednesday at 11:59 PM. Whatever you’ve got–turn it in! It may not be perfect, it may not satisfy you completely, but even an imperfect speech or letter is better than nothing at all!
  2. I’ve created a PDF that tells you how to submit your work on OpenLab–look on the Agenda for that!
  3. We’ll spend a little time debriefing about Unit 1–what worked, what didn’t, etc. You’ll even be writing a short post about your experience. This will help you with a writing assignment down the road in December, so don’t blow this assignment off!
  4. The main objective for our class is to discuss the new writing project for Unit 2 before we start reading parts of Antigone.

What’s the Unit 2 project all about? Read all about it on the Agenda for Week 8!