Based on the topic that I’m covering I believe that a speech would be most suitable because when you’re talking about motivation being a problem It would sound better in a speech, also I feel like the message will be more convincing and can be heard louder when you’re talking about motivation being the number 1 problem.

The main problem I’m trying to explain when it comes to fitness is motivation, and some key issuing that will be explained is how it would be affected? and my answer to that would be that it can affect both new and old members, but mostly old members. Some things you would need to look at is when people that lose the motivation to go to the gym or even do any type of fitness that can lead to laziness which also can lead to gaining weight which in result can affect your daily schedule and more. So in reality it’s kind of like a butterfly effect having the smallest change being motivation can lead to a much higher problem.

The simplest example I would give to people that are still confused by what I’m trying to explain is when you enroll in a college and you take a major you enjoy for 3 years, you loved the major for the 3 years, but then you lost all interests to continue that major after the third year and in turn, you drop out and start all over again with another major. That’s basically what the butterfly effect can cause when you’re talking about motivation. When it comes to working out, let’s say you put a lot of work to lose 50 pounds in 6 months, after the 6 months is over you then lose any motivation to continue to go which results in you getting lazier and the 50 pounds in which you worked so hard for gets gained back within a week and now you back to square one being back at the weight you were at 6 months prior. The moral of the story is that no motivation can cause that butterfly effect leading to worse or more consequences.

I would then point to the people in power that can help create change and that would be social media influencers, some of the platforms they use are YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok which are the most popular social media platforms currently.