Prof. Jessica Penner | OL33 | Fall 2021

Discussion Question: Wollstonecraft & Young’s Writing Strategies

Describe one of Wollstonecraft and one of Young’s writing strategies that gets your attention. Explain what she is doing and why it caught your attention. Just hit “reply” for this assignment–you don’t have to make a new post!(Remember: for the Unit 1 Assignment, you will be writing your own speech or letter.)


  1. Ashley Gonzalez

    I appreciate Wollstonecraft’s writing strategy because she sounds incredibly passionate and a bit aggressive in the letter. I feel as though the topic she covered regarding women’s rights needed a dominant tone to express the severity of the topic. As for Young’s writing strategy in her speech, I found her sense of humor engaging. I can relate to this because when I am explaining a serious topic or thought, I tend to add an ounce of humor to involve my audience.

    • Kimberly

      I believe Wollstonecraft was able to be more sincere since it was a letter that was directed to Talleyrand Perigord. The letter is about to show how passionate she is about women’s rights. I believe this strategy allows for Wollstonecraft to show her disagreement to how women are educated.
      I believe Young uses the strategy of being a part of the disabled community. She is able to share her experiences and why she believes disabled people are seen in a bad way to society. They are automatically seen as inspirations by doing what they normally do. She is also very humorous so it makes it easier to listen and engage.

  2. Afroza

    One strategy cut my attention from Wollstonecraft’s which is she talk about women rights and education. She explain more clearly that women are not low position in the society. She explain that women as human creatures s who, in common with men, are placed on this earth to develop their abilities.
    In Young’s speech one strategy is respect disable people because she said “I want to live in a world where we value genuine achievement for disabled people.”

  3. Adam Shahin

    Wollstonecraft came off to me a bit aggressive which caught my attention and it shows how much she cares and is passionate about her argument. She also caught my attention by bringing education into women rights and how it’s a issue. Young caught my attention because she’s a disabled person who came off as funny and wanting to be seen as a normal person and not any different. She wanted to be appreciated for a actual achievement and not because of her disability. To me her sense of humor helps engage the viewer and pulled me in to watch more of what she had to say.

  4. Tenzin Norbu

    One writing strategy used by Stella Young in her Ted talk was ethos when Young explains her own perspective as a disabled individual, giving Young more credibility because her audience hears her perspective they will be able to understand her message. Additionally, one writing strategy used by Mary Wollstonecraft would be anaphora when she says, “to respect modesty in women but •to become modest themselves, as the only way to deserve women’s respect.” By using anaphora it amplifies Wollstonecraft’s message by telling the recipient flat out what needs to be done for the women of that age.

  5. Hadassel Gomez

    One strategy that Young used in her speech is that she gives her point of view since she is also a disabled person. She is part of that community. That, along with her humor were the best parts of the speech. The way she spoke to everyone was amazing. Wollstonecraft’s letter strategy was that she used real-life examples and explained how changes in women right’s could benefit everyone.

  6. Gerardo Ramos

    One writing style Wollstonecraft uses is logic. That caught my attention the most. She uses examples of certain believed truths and use it to her advantage. It really brings her argument together and backs up her claims while taking down wrong beliefs, which is what caught my attention.

    Young speech uses emotion and personal experience to drive her point across. She tries to show that she is an expert or has a specialized view on the matter because she is an disabled individual. She uses her experiences of when she was young to show, there is sometimes nothing special to be called of if you are doing the same as a non disabled individual. The experience she had when she was young to give evidence to her argument caught my attention the most.

  7. Valentina

    One of Wollstonecrafts writing strategy is emotion. She made the letter feel in-depth of what is fighting for and stating out the the way things work between men and women. One of young’s writing strategy is that she used great humor and not make anything seem dull, used past experiences and she connected with the audience to reach out /to help them understand.

  8. Rabbi

    One writing strategy from Young which caught my attention is how she explained the society problem with the disabled people. She is from the same discourse community, but she didn’t hesitate to show the difficulties. One thing that got my attention from Wollstonecraft is how equality should be. She is from the outside the discourse community but got everything about the community.

  9. Jenny

    One writing strategy of Young that catches my attention is even though she has her disability she is still happy and want to be treated as a normal human being. However, when she does her speech is powerful not only for disability people she doesn’t want no one to look different just cause of there ability and that we are all people and should be treated equally.
    One writing strategy of Wollstonecraft that catch my attention is how powerful her speech is about women rights and equality.

  10. Jacky Li

    Wollstonecraft was effective in her speech because she asked rhetorical questions to the law makers that she was trying to convince. She states what is wrong and then she gives alternative solutions to make her points valid. I enjoyed Young’s’ speech more. It felt very personable and the reaction from the audience shows that Young executed her points. She uses humor to juxtapose her situation which to most is not funny. This also gives her character more depth which is something that she is commenting on in her speech. She isn’t getting rewarded just because she was born disabled. Young is demonstrating that disabled people are capable of doing more and that society should not expect less from them.

  11. Demetrius Brown-Williams

    One of Wollstonecraft’s strategies was her use of logic and plain thinking to appeal to the minds of men. I believe Wollstonecraft meant this letter to be read by those in power, specifically men. Men often tend to see women as emotional and erratic. The idea that women can’t rule countries has been due to the myth that women are not logical enough, their emotions are heightened which leads them to make emotional decisions. Wollstonecraft uses logic to make men feel as though she also understands the way they speak and think, thus allowing men to consider her pleas for equality.

    One of Young’s strategies was using humor to allow the audience to be more open about digesting the hard truths in her speech. A good laugh has been known to make people more understanding and willing to have a discussion. This is often why businessmen go out to discuss their business over drinks, to loosen clients and be more open to seeing different opportunities.

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