
First off, you are going to need some elbow grease. The key to tackling the bulk of the minor writing assignments (there will be quite a few) is to start writing. Put pen to paper fingertips to keyboard and brainstorm for a few minutes. It is much easier to edit a huge run-on sentence into a paragraph than it is to write one from scratch.

The first big assignment must be written in first person. This was particularly challenging for me, but once I figured out that I should focus on the subject matter and not on how my “voice” represents me personally, Unit 1 really came together. The second project, an annotated bibliography, is something you are probably familiar with from English 1. Choose the topic wisely – the Unit 3 project will be based on it as well.

The readings are the easiest and most interesting part of the class. If you want to ace the class, make sure to read them before class. In my opinion, the more you interact with the reading material, the more you can get out of this class.