What have you learned about yourself as a reader and writer this semester?

  • I learn that I’m an absented minded reader and writer. When I read,  I read as if I’m scanning through the page or when I’m  trying to write I make grammar mistakes which could be easily fixed if prove read.

How have you changed or developed as a reader and writer this semester?

  • As for our second assignment we had to research a lot for our annotated bibliography fro that I realize scanning through page will not work because you could easily miss the main point.

Discuss what you learned in this class and how you might transfer this knowledge to other writing tasks, assignments, or situations either in college or in your community.

  •  We learn how to research, how to find scholarly and peer-reviewed article through online city tech library. I learn about annotated bibliography, this was my first time doing annotated bibliography and it was an experience. The process was different from how we usually do a paper. In addition, proper way to organize a paper into MLA style.

What changed in your writing (and reading and thinking) as the genres changed?

  •  The major change that I saw on my paper was the sentences structure. I used to write as I was I doing the paper, but now I make 2 document one is for what I was thinking at the moment and whatever come to my mind. For the second document I rewrite my thought into more structural sentence.    

What was particularly challenging for you in our course this semester and how did you overcome it (or attempt to)?

  • The particular challenge for me is/was that English is not my first language, so any paper I write it’s little all over the place. Before the semester started I was in back home from 3 months and everyone there talk in Bengali. So when I came back it was little tough for me since I spoke only Bengali there for 3 months my English got little messy. However, as the semester goes I started to pull back myself together.   

What did you expect to learn in this class? What did you actually learn?

I excepted to learn about English literature and advance English course stuff. This class actually taught me more about how to write a paper in different styles and how to use the correct format for different assignments.    

How do you feel about the class and what you have learned now that the semester is over?

This class was very helpful to me because I get to learn how to do an annotated bibliography. I feel like since English is my second language any English class is dose help me to use vocabulary in much more meaningful ways