Prof. Jessica Penner | OL12 | Fall 2021

Shemika Semple, Final Reflection, 1st Draft

When the semester started I came into this class expecting to learn English. Funny right but seriously I came wanting to learn new things and old things. To refresh the mind I would say. At the beginning of the semester work felt easier for me only because I felt that I didn’t have to use my head as much. Which honestly was great because this semester was very stressful. It was so stressful that when we had to do reflections on our unit assignments I learned that I procrastinate more when I am stressed. That was a very shocking thing for me to learn. Because I procrastinated it was very hard for me to manage my time which added more stress to my mind. Even with the stress I am happy to say that I have learned a lot in this class whether it be about myself or my writing.

I found a better way for me to get all my thoughts together and pick a topic to read or write about. It is easier to take these thoughts and turn it into a lot more on paper. I Also learned a new way to make annotated bibliography, it was a very fun way to annotate. I have changed a lot throughout this class and I am very thankful for that. A way I have changed for example would be writing in a way the audience would understand. I say this because I used to write just for me and never really thought about the people who would read my piece. I don’t know if I have gotten extremely better at writing but I do know that I have improved. As for reading I have definitely not improved and I only say this because I like reading things that interest me. If it doesn’t interest me I pay very little attention to it.

Revising my work has always been something that I do, however I never thought about reflecting on it. In this class I learned to reflect on every big assignment I did and it was honestly very helpful. At times it did bother me to know that I made some mistakes that I didn’t even notice. It really makes me wonder what where was my mind while writing this work. The most challenging part would be my time management. Like I said early I procrastinate a lot so my time was always messed up which is why most of the time I would do my assignments the day before or the day of. Kinda like what I am doing today. I don’t think I will overcome this problem but I will try to Manage it better in the future.

I like this class a lot, out of the four classes I took this semester I can proudly say I liked my English class best. which is shocking since I am not really a fan of English. I had a wonderful teacher to help a long the way. It was easy to ask for help without being hounded at for no knowing anything. My teacher had lots of patience and I would like to thank her from the bottom of my heart. Thank you Professor Penner, class was awesome. Now advice I shemika would give, let me think. I would say Do your work on time. Do this and you won’t be lost in class and you will understand better. The better you understand the easier homework will be. Our teacher is great you will be fine.

1 Comment

  1. Adekunle David Daodu

    I enjoyed the fact that she was able to reflect articulately discuss about every thing she learned in this course. The writer learnt that she didn’t have to use her head as much Which honestly was great because this semester was very stressful according to her.
    She stated that It was so stressful that when she had to do reflections on her unit assignments she learned that she procrastinate more when she is stressed.
    The writer changed over the semester as a reader and writer through the most challenging part would be my time management.

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