Discrimination in the workplace can harm employee health and an organization’s productivity. Diversity is what sets a good business and great cash flow. When you have employees from all over the world working together, different and unique ideas are sparked. The limits of creation are so high at that point and the results are outstanding. In the article “ 5- ways racism is bad for business and what we can do about it” Written by Adwoa Bagalini the author mentions how diversity is proven to boost innovation and as a result companies financial performance. He says how it can help firms move away from “limited unilateral thinking” and guide them towards discovering new products, markets and ways of doing business.(5- ways racism is bad for business). This is a huge key to keep in mind because when you see a company that is blooming the majority of the time they have a diverse team working together behind the scenes. Something the author mentioned that stood out to me was in the US for example more than half of black employees say they have experienced racism at work. And as one man told fortune the issue can become more visible the further up the ladder people climb. ( 5- ways racism is bad for business and what we can do about it) Which should be contrary due to the illusion that once you reach the top you won’t have to worry about any of that nonsense.
Written by Adwoa Bagalini, Engagement. “5 Ways Racism Is Bad for Business – and What We Can Do about It.” World Economic Forum, https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/07/racism-bad-for-business-equality-diversity/.
In the article “For many black Americans working from home is a refuge from racism” it states that a survey found only about 3% of black employees who work from home want to return full-time in person. ( working from home is a refuge from racism). That is mind blowing information. Racism would eliminate the work efficiency of the work dynamics. Some employees may even feel uncomfortable working with certain races, leading to a lack of work flow. If the company has racist employees this will affect the way they treat their customers. It will not take long for the company to start plummeting down. The operation of the company will be affected, as many customers might feel discriminated against or not appreciated and may leave the company and start going to other competitors. Christin Ayers mentions in the article that according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 13.4% of Americans continue to work from home or telework amid the COVID-19 pandemic. A majority of them have no desire to return to the office full-time, but that number is particularly high for black americans. ( working from home is a refuge from racism). Without kindness and respect you cannot run a business smoothly.
Ayers, Author: Christin. “For Many Black Employees, Working from Home Is a Refuge from Racism.” king5.Com, 23 Sept. 2021, https://www.king5.com/article/news/community/facing-race/for-many-black-employees-working-from-home-is-a-refuge-from-racism/281-bed486f1-21e4-4171-b8ab-4ef0f8d53669.
In a video called how racism impacts black women in corporate america is a small example of how successful African American women working in america feel uncomfortable. For example some of their employees would make a side comment about them indirectly. Some even experienced bullying within groups of people and found themselves dealing with it head on. One of the questions mentioned was how silence or judgement paralyzed your voice and efforts in the workplace. All five women firmly said enough is enough. It is because of the silence and holding back that this is still happening now. They mentioned how as a community there needs to be more pushing. One woman said to allow that level of anger to fuel the fire you throw in the racists faces ( How racism impacts black women in corporate america).
“How Racism Impacts Black Women in Corporate America Part I.”
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