Banis, Davide. “Mental Illness Is the Most Neglected Health Problem in the Developing World.” Forbes, Forbes Magazine, 24 Jan. 2019,

The article talks about how mental health is an issue that is widely not paid attention to and how much of an impact the maintenance of mental health has.

I agree with what the text is trying to state. Many look at mental health as some sort of defect to a person while they tend to dissociate physical problems. Also I completely agree with the point of them saying that many think that mental health is a luxury good. I can relate to this in a way because my parents are from Caribbean countries and places where things like that weren’t even on the radar because you had to do what you needed to in order to even live comfortably. I think that for some further understanding I should look up things like why certain specific groups ignore mental illnesses. this also tells me that My research question goes many ways deeper than I may think initially.

“mental health is perceived as a luxury good. If you suffer from depression, it means you’re just a whiny person with all their basic needs satisfied”

“It has a stigma attached to it. If you suffer from a mental illness, the common conception is that there’s something wrong with you, as a person, as a human being”

Source 2

31, John Campo May, et al. “It’s Time to Recognize Mental Health as Essential to Physical Health.” STAT, 30 May 2017,

In this article Mr. Campo talks about the connection between mental health and stability and physical health and appearance. He talks about the vast number of Americans especially that mental health effects. He also goes into detail about the some of the big impact that this effect has. He states that suicide alone accounted for 42,000+ deaths in 2014 which made it 10th on the list. he also goes into detail about how mental illness treatment is still very bad because people look at mental illness as a weakness of character or poor life choices instead of an actual legitimate illness.

” Most insurance plans view mental illness and addiction as exceptions to standard care, not part of it.”

Source 3

Harper, Joseph. “Perspective | Too Many Men Ignore Their Depression, Phobias, Other Mental Health Issues.” The Washington Post, WP Company, 5 July 2021,

This article talks about how men in our society are prone to ignoring their mental health issues and Hoping that they go away instead of taking care of them.

The author talks about their experience as a social worker and what types of patients she runs into. She says that to many of her male patients are ignoring their mental health for the sake of always being macho. not only that but also being afraid that there own issues would be downplayed in the face of others struggles. She said that she had to witness many mothers and wives drag their loved men into her office because of their high reluctance to go. But it was important for them to go and get help because it would better their lives.

 “I often struggle with some male patients to pull information about their emotional issues out of them because they are so reluctant to speak”