Prof. Jessica Penner | OL12 | Fall 2021

Alvin Vasquez, Social Justice Brainstorm:

  • Social Injustice issue: Hunger and Poverty

Lack of Resources in needs of food, water, and other essentials but most importantly there aren’t enough funding that goes into programs that are there to help out the ones who need it the most.

Unequal Income Distribution: This issue is about how the U.S Government distributes money among the population but the problem is that in some parts of the United States, there are those who aren’t receiving any financial assistance from the government and most of the funds go to upper class who can afford to support themselves.

  • Why aren’t there non funding programs to help with the hunger?
  • Why is it that poor neighborhoods are the last ones to be pay attention to when it comes to a financial plan for the people?


  1. Shemika Semple

    Your topic is great and it is something that a lot of people question. Your questions are also good. I really like the second one because I too want to know why.

  2. Olena Halytska

    This topic really hits home with so many people. There is more than enough food produced for everyone but many still go hungry, and that is a travesty. That said, you may want to rethink the questions. They seem to be both narrow in scope and misleading – there are, in fact, hunger relief programs; and poor neighborhoods don’t receive less funding – places that receive less funding have lower costs of living, so poor people amass there. Of course, certain political and social forces are responsible for “pricing out” poor people from better neighborhoods, but that is not really a food security issue.
    You may want to consider focusing on proactive action – What can we do as a society/what can the government do in order to guarantee food security for everyone? How did countries where hunger is not widespread deal with the issue (Norway, Iceland, etc.)?

  3. Tanjum

    Your topic is very genuine in today’s society. As we all live through the pandemic, it is very crucial to make financial plans ahead of time to stable ourselves in those kinds of situations.

  4. Joshua Christopher

    Your topic issue is one of our growing issues and it is something that needs to have more light shone on it. Your questions are also good but they might be too specific for fully conveying your message.

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