Prof. Jessica Penner | OL12 | Fall 2021

Umme Habiba, Social Justice Brainstorm

The social justice issue that I have decided to use for the Annotated Bibliography Project is bullying. It is a very ongoing problem in our country. Bullying is the use of teasing, threatening, using words to make someone look down. This is a type of problem that’s very hard to control. You can not really stop someone bullying someone else. It’s like making fun of someone intentionally. 


What can we do as a community to help against bullying?

What are steps we should take in school or college to help them prepare from an early age how bullying is not something we do out of fun?


  1. Adekunle David Daodu

    Your research topic about bullying is not bad but I will recommend that you redefine your research question “What can we do as a community to help against bullying?”

    You may look into ” How does bullying affect the life of students in the united state”

  2. Tais chicaiza

    I think the second question is not specific. I think that you should clearly enhance your question

  3. Tais chicaiza

    what are you trying to convey in your topic? , you can also write in your post for example, what excuses do offenders make for bullying someone? is it dysfunctional families part of the issue that contributes with the personality of the offender?

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