
  • Loyal
  • Stubborn
  • Empathetic
  • Confident


  • Fearful
  • Wise
  • Loving

For an Antigone movie, I would cast Emilia Clark as Antigone, and Emma Watson as Ismene.

If Creon was a king today, he would use Reddit. Regardless of his decision to stone anyone who tries to bury her brother, Creon considered himself a fair king and acted accordingly. It would make sense for him to use the platform that allows for maximum interaction with his subjects, who would no longer have to come to court to address him.

“This girl was expert in her insolence when she broke bounds beyond established law. Once she has done it, insolence the second, to boast her doing and to laugh in it.”

On Reddit, this would roughly translate to:

“This is not her first brush with the law. Girl knew exactly what she was doing and what would happen to her. Look at her laughing – she gets off on crime. /s”