Prof. Jessica Penner | OL12 | Fall 2021

Discussion Question: “Student Samples — Annotated Bibliography Project”

Read the student samples again.

  • Notice the formatting and technical elements. What makes the pieces look finished and professional? What might need improvement?
  • What does this tell you about the work you’ll need to be doing over the next few weeks?
  • Just hit “reply.” You don’t need to make a post!


  1. Shemika Semple

    It looks complete because it follow the guidelines very well. It is well organized. This shows me that I will have to put in a lot of work in order to make my work presentable.

  2. Anlys Maldonado

    example 1 is better formatted and consistent.

  3. Adekunle David Daodu

    While going through this, I observed for every source there is a summary, a reflection, a quote, and a citation. This is a format that i will like to adopt while working on my project.

  4. Kalden

    Both samples are formated perfectly, and those samples give me an idea of how and what I should focus on while doing my paper.

  5. Nayeli Gomez

    ° The work is outlined. Each section is specifically labeled which makes is look well thought out. Each example is also very long which shows how much research each person did.
    ° The work needs to be heavily researched to explain about it

  6. Aimen Souchane

    The example 1 look finished because he or she followed the right way to write an annotated bibliography. Start with the summary. I didn’t include details, only the main points, and evaluated the information and the authors. In conclusion, reflect on the usefulness of this source:

  7. Tais chicaiza

    The formatting and technological features appear to be well-organized and professional. I think example 1 will help me improve my work in terms of placing the citations correctly and also the formatting.

  8. Deyby Ramirez

    What makes Sample 1 look professional is the arrangement of the sections, by using questions and answers. Also, the spellcheck, grammar and format seem perfect. Sample 2 has a very interesting topic, but it needs improvement in the consistency of the grammar and format.

    This tells me that I have to pay attention to these details and make sure to double-check the spelling.

  9. umme habiba

    Sample 1 is much better than sample 2. sample 1 looks very standard. it looks like it has meet all the guidelines.

  10. Noor Shamanta Jahan

    The samples definitely look professional. Example 1 looks more organized with how it’s organized into four sections, creating an easy labeled reading experience for the viewer.

    This tells me the work I need to complete should be similar in this formatting style, and should have this neat look to it as well.

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