I will be writing a letter because I thought it would only be fitting for a discourse community that consists of office employees, who mostly communicate via email. This format will allow me to lay out all the downfalls of requiring employees to find their own coverage when taking time off. Since this is a somewhat data-driven topic, I will need to convince the reader that efficiency, productivity and employee satisfaction are always related.


Introduce the issue, either with statistical data or a personal anecdote.

Benefits to Employers
Explain the connection between a happy workforce and high productivity rates. Provide proof that the opposite leads to loss of efficiency and, therefore, loss of profit for the employer.

Benefits to Clients
Focus on how vital customer satisfaction is in today’s hyper-competitive market and draw parallels between unsatisfied and overworked staff and low customer retention rates.

Benefits to Society
The wealth gap is already at the forefront of Americans’ minds, so the audience is likely to agree that exasperating it is not an option. If management does not have to find coverage to take a sick day, neither should the custodial staff.
Highlight the moral cost of continuing to disparage the working class to appease those who are better off and don’t need any help.

Suggest a way to transition from today’s lack of regulation to enact protections guaranteeing sick time and vacation time for all, not just those at the top. Present some examples of places where these regulations are in place and the difference it makes.

Call to action to all non-unionized desk jockeys.