“Students Watching a Moonrise,” by Jessica Penner

Before class on Wednesday, be sure to do the following…

  • Read “The Fourth of July” by Audre Lorde.
  • Review “Narrative Basic Features” Power Point by Laura Westengard.
  • Using the freewriting we worked on last week and whatever you’ve created on your own, start writing your Unit 1 Education Narrative.
    • Be sure to look at the requirements of this assignment under “Major Writing Assignments.”
    • In general, this needs to be an essay about you and your experience learning something. Again, look at the requirements!

During class on Wednesday, we will…


  • As a class, we’ll talk about Professor Westengard’s PowerPoint.
  • We’ll work individually for a bit analyzing the reading assignment, “The Fourth of July,” on a worksheet before checking answers with a partner or small group.
    • Be sure to return the story and your worksheet before you leave for low-stakes writing credit.
  • If time, we’ll devote part of the class working on our U1 Education Narrative.

During class on Thursday (yes, all Monday classes at City Tech are meeting on Thursday), we will…


  • Complete the worksheet titled “My Shitty First Draft.”
  • Do not have any devices open as you work on this worksheet.
  • When you have completed the entire worksheet, come up and show it to me.
  • Once I have seen it and marked this for low-stakes writing, take the worksheet nd start (or continue) working on your U1 Education Narrative.
    • You may use your device at this time. Please use this time to write, not scroll through social media!
  • If you have questions or want a quick review of your work, come to my desk and we can chat!

Looking ahead to next week…

  • Continue drafting your U1 Education Narrative, using today’s worksheet to assist you in your draft.
  • If you want me to look over your essay, come to an office hour!
  • To earn 10 points of extra credit on your U1 Education Narrative, schedule a session at the Writing Center. You can do this anytime between now and the final draft due date.
    • Ask the tutor to email me after you’ve attended–the only way you’ll get those points!
    • How do you schedule a tutoring session? Are they in person or online? Look here to answer all your questions!
  • Review “Citation and Formatting Guide” (City Tech Library).
  • Review “MLA Style Introduction” (Purdue OWL).
  • Review “Writing Transitions” (Purdue OWL).
  • Review “What’s a Paragraph?” by Carrie Hall.