Brown and beige brick wall with a cement base decorated iwth white, blue, and red square tiles that look like an alien from a vintage video game
alien eyes” by John Keogh via Flickr CC BY-NC 2.0

Before class, students will…

  • Continue working on Parts 1 and 2. Our peer review session is on Tuesday and the final draft is due Thursday.
    • Both parts must be uploaded to this website in the SAME post.
      • If Part 1 of your document (the brochure, street art, etc.) is too large to be uploaded (there is a 10MB limit), you must put the following note in your post: “Part 1 Has been emailed to the Professor.”
      • You MUST title the email with the following SUBJECT TITLE (NO BLANK SUBJECT LINES—I will dock 20 points if you send a blank subject line): Full Name, Part 1 of U3.
      • This email MUST be sent by the due date of this assignment! No exceptions!
    • I will not grant extensions! Turn in what you have!

During class on Tuesday, we will…

  • Be prompt! If you come to class more than 10 minutes late, you cannot be guaranteed a partner.
  • Before I will give you a partner, I will ask students to come to the front to show that they have work so be reviewed. That means you should either have a hard copy of Parts I and II or can show me on a tablet or laptop. This is how you’ll earn those 50 points for the rough draft!
  • Peer review each other’s work, using the document I provide or the one on Course Profiles > File Library > ENG1101 Handouts.
  • When the document is complete, students will email or return the document to the peer they reviewed.
    • If a student doesn’t attend class on Tuesday, they can still earn the 50 points by having a friend/family member review their work and email it to me by 11:59pm on Tuesday.
  • For the remainder of class, students will review their peer’s notes and work on finalizing their U3 project.
  • If you’re ready to submit U3 ahead of the deadline, keep scrolling and look at the directions on how to post at the end of this post!


  • Continue working on U3 Parts I and II. The entire project is due by 11:59PM on Thursday, 12/7. No exceptions!

During class on Thursday, we will…

  • Review Assignment Guidelines for the Final Reflection and Portfolio.
  • Brainstorm for the Final Reflection by doing the following activity:
  • Look at the reflection questions below and freewrite as much as possible for 30 minutes. This freewrite will help you generate material for your Final Reflection:
    • How have you developed as a writer? As a reader? As a researcher?
    • Choose three quotes from your writing that represent three moments you are proud of because either you figured out how to express a difficult thought or concept or because you made an important connection or compelling point. Explain why you choose these quotes.
    • What were your early assumptions/beliefs about yourself and writing? Have they since changed? 
    • What was your experience when revising assignments? Give an example from your work of a sentence, paragraph, or idea that you changed. Quote both the original and the new versions and explain what you changed and why.
    • What did you expect to learn in this class? What did you actually learn? How do you feel about the class and what you have learned now that the semester is over?
    • What advice would you give to students taking this course next semester?
  • Begin drafting the Final Reflection. 


  • Submit the U3 project by 11:59PM on Thursday, 12/7. Please follow the directions carefully:
    • Create a post titled Full Name, U3 Writing Assignment. Save it under the category U3 Work.
    • In the textbox:
      • Save Part 1 as necessary before uploading. For example, PDF for a text-based or picture-based submission; if it’s an animation or video, save it as needed–practice uploading the project BEFORE the due date or put the URL link in the post; if you’re unsure what to save your Part I under, ask me by Thursday class timenot at 11:30PM on Thursday, since I will be asleep by this point.
        • If Part 1 of your document (the brochure, street art, etc.) is too large to be uploaded (there is a 10MB limit), you must put the following note in your post: “Part 1 Has been emailed to the Professor.”
        • You MUST title the email with the following SUBJECT TITLE (NO BLANK SUBJECT LINES—I will dock 20 points if you send a blank subject line and doesn’t have your full name and what is being sent): Full Name, Part 1 of U3.
        • This email MUST be sent by the due date of this assignment! No exceptions!
      • In the same post, save your Part 2 Reflection Essay. Use the U3 Reflection Template under the Course Profile. Save the draft as a PDF before uploading it.
        • Need a reminder on how that’s done? There’s a PowerPoint in the Course Profile titled “How to Upload U1.” Follow the steps provided, just save it under U3 instead!
  • Before class on Tuesday, write a post titled Full Name, Revision Decision. Save it under the category Final Portfolio.
    • Look over the feedback on the assignment you will revise and write a paragraph answering the following questions: What will you revise? Why? How/what steps will you take to complete your revision?
    • If you do not wish to revise any of your major writing assignments, please explain why.
      • This is one of those low-stakes writing assignments!