
is a form of artistic expression that uses language to evoke emotions, convey imagery, and create aesthetic experiences through the skillful arrangement of words. It often employs rhythmic and other elements to capture the essence of emotions, thoughts, and observations in a imaginative form.

Poetry can have different type of p.O.V such as:

  • First person
  • Second Person
  • Third Person: limited & Omniscient
  • Free Verse
  • Objective or dramatic
  • Monologue

Poetry Features/elements:

  • Rhyme: The repetition of similar sounds, usually at the end of lines. Rhyming can create a musical quality and enhance the overall aesthetic of the poem.
  • Stanza: A group of lines in a poem, separated by a space. Stanzas are similar to paragraphs in prose and often contribute to the poem’s structure and organization.
  • Imagery: Vivid and descriptive language that appeals to the senses. Poets use imagery to create mental pictures, evoke emotions, and enhance the overall sensory experience for the reader.
  • Repetition: The deliberate use of words, phrases, or lines for emphasis. Repetition can reinforce key themes and create a rhythmic effect.
  • Onomatopoeia: The use of words that imitate or resemble the sound they describe. Onomatopoeia can add aural texture to a poem.
  • Free Verse: Poetry that does not follow a strict meter or rhyme scheme. Free verse allows for greater flexibility in expression and often focuses on the natural cadence of everyday speech.