I will be doing street art. My mentor text is https://streetartutopia.com/2023/04/22/16-powerful-images-climate-change-addressed-through-graffiti-and-street-art/

  1. Are the paragraphs long or short? How long is the overall piece?

The paragraphs are quite short, each describing the street arts.

2. Is imagery used?


3. From what point of view is the piece written?

The street arts are drawn from the perspective of artists.

4. Is there dialogue or is just one person talking? 

Only one person is talking in order to describe the street arts.

5. What is the tone and purpose? 

The tone was concerned and the purpose was to inform and describe the deep meaning in those street arts.

6. How is it organized?

It is organized by the description of the street arts and the meaning behind it.

7. Where is your genre found? What kind of place/publication?

It was found on Street Art Utopia.

8. Consider who created the piece (a scholar? a reporter? a creative writer? a child? etc.)

A creative writer discussing the street arts.

9. Quote one sentence from your sample that you think is effective, and explain why you chose it.

These striking visuals serve as a stark reminder of the rapid and devastating impact of global warming on our planet’s delicate ecosystems”. I choose this because visuals are the best way to inform and warm people about our planet.