The genre I’m choosing for Unit 3 is the “X/Twitter” thread. A sample of what I want to use is: The reason I chose this specific thread is because it talks about the drug war and how it affected black people compared to white people. I don’t think imagery is intentionally used in this thread, but there are some parts of this thread that we can imagine as readers. This author uses an “advocate, speaking up about the issues” type of tone and it is written in the points of view of an advocate. I believe there is only one person talking because he doesn’t use dialogue and he doesn’t quote anyone. The author’s thread is organized in a sequence style (first, second, third, etc.) instead of how most threads on X/Twitter is (1/10, 2/10, etc.). A quote I choose from this thread is “Fourth, over 10 years ago, the federal government finally admitted in public testimony what every expert had been saying for years: the crack cocaine disparity was racial discrimination and served no legitimate penological purpose whatsoever.” because this proves exactly what I’ve been researching.