The mentor text that I will be using is “The Lorax” because the genre I’ll be writing in is a children’s book for young kids. 

The story is broken up into three-sentence paragraphs, that contain words that rhyme. There’s a dialog between characters in the story, which includes onomatopoeia. This type of book is found within the grade levels of 2-4, it falls within the grades 2-4 reading levels. In the book it stated “Look, Lorax, I said. There’s no cause for alarm. I chopped just one tree. I am doing no harm. I’m being quite useful. This thing is a Thneed. A Thneed’s a Fine-Something-That-All-People-Need!” This quote from the book that is effective at conveying a message. The tone of the story is fast-paced and the purpose is to show that there are immediate and long-term consequences to your  actions. The author, Dr.Seuss wrote this book and wrote American cartoons and literature specifically for kids.