Citation 3:

Habak, Claudine, et al. “Age Affects How Task Difficulty and Complexity Modulate Perceptual Decision-Making.” Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, vol. 11, 2019, accessed 11.4.2023


In an experiment, two groups of people were given behavior tasks: young people (max 32 years old) and older people (max 82 years old). They were both given behavioral tasks and used  fMRI analysis to measure the results. The longer it takes for the participants to take action, the harder the decision-making is. The result showed that the older participants took longer to respond to the behavior tasks. The result showed that the older participants took longer to respond to the behavior tasks. According to the data, the percent of correct responses from younger participants were at an average of 77.95% at different levels of difficulty in the task and took an average of 1512.5 milliseconds. On the other hand, the older participants had an average of 80.4% on different levels of task and took an average of 1819.75 milliseconds.


This data proves that the younger generations can actually come to conclusions faster than the older ones.The government needs more young blood in their system. People who are in control now (older generations) are unable to fulfill the needs in today’s society. They are ignoring real issues. Newer generations need newer adaptations from the government, its laws, and its decisions to keep up with the rapidly advancing technology and changes we see today. Ignoring rising temperatures isn’t the way to do this. The younger generations should not be forced to suffer from the decisions made by older generations. The voices of younger generations are hardly taken into consideration despite the fact that they are the ones who are going to eventually uphold and govern America. 


“This age-attributed valence could arise from general age-related performance or criterion biases in decision-making: many older participants express wanting to “do well” in experiments, and responses can tend toward the conservative with age”.