Prof. Jessica Penner | D420 | Fall 2023

Abdul Zeynalov, U2 Question brainstorm

FDA corruption

  1. What was the FDA created for and do they do their job anymore
  2. why is American food banned across the entire world
  3. is the FDA working for corporations or the public

Car dependency

  1. Has increased funding for roads reduced travel time
  2. how has the safety of people been mentioned in road infrastructure
  3. is there a lobbying effort to keep cars and roads a top priority

foreign governments buying land in America

  1. Why are foreign governments allowed to purchase farm land in america
  2. Why are corporations allowed to buy up houses they don’t need
  3. Is there something deeper going on

1 Comment

  1. Abdul Zeynalov

    FDA Corruption

    1) can the fda do their job properly

    2) why have they allowed what is going in america to keep going on

    3) is it the goal of the people or the government to keep us safe and healthy

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