global issue (political) Palestine

  1. why are the media and political parties manipulating the entire world to believe Palestinians who are actually the victims and are currently going through genocide are the ones who are terrorists?
  2. why do people fail to educate themselves on decades of genocide?
  3. why is it not okay for Palestinians to fight back when many of our own poc ancestors have had to do the same for their freedom and rights?

police brutality

  1. Why do cops have so much power and abuse it?

2. What are the legal and ethical standards for police conduct?

3. Are there patterns or trends in police brutality incidents?

global warming

  1. how did global warming begin?
  2. What is the current state of global temperatures, and how have they changed over time?
  3. What are the social and environmental justice aspects of global warming, including its disproportionate impact on vulnerable communities and developing nations?