These authors all have the same topic in their writing which is their journey with education, and in doing so they also give the readers a challenge they have met during their journey. In the Douglass piece he talks about how he was able to learn to read and write during a time period when slaves were forbidden to knowledge, but the more he knows how to read and write he gains knowledge about the reality of the world heā€™s in. he says ā€œI saw nothing without seeing it, I heard nothing without hearing it, and felt nothing without feeling itā€ to emphasize how the more knowledge he gained he became aware of slavery and the environment heā€™s in that other slaves are oblivious to. In Jiangā€™s piece she lets the reader know the condition that china is in by saying china is in a cultural revolution, and further explains her educational challenge by saying that all books were burned and she hasnā€™t seen a book or a pencil as five year old child. But there was a panting she used to analyze which didnā€™t require reading and writing but more so interpretation and being able to analyze art. Lastly the Malcolm x piece was similar to the Douglass text because he was also not supposed to know how to read and write, but he had taught him self by studying and copying words in the dictionary which lead him knowing how to read and write