The readings of Frederick Douglass, Malcolm X, and Jiang are all very symbolic readings. Although these pieces are very different, they are all meant to depict the journey and determination of the narrators to overcome the difficulties and challenges of learning how to read and write. I find it very interesting that Malcolm X had difficulties learning how to write considering that he is one of the most influential speakers of the Civil Rights Movement as a whole. This is just really eyeopening to me because even some of the greatest speakers have trouble writing. Jiang’s Story was also very relatable to me because my maternal grandmother only spoke her native language, Kichwa, and was considered illiterate to an extent but is now the Grandmother to a First-Gen College Student that is majoring in Architecture. So to put things together, these would go great in the education narratives genre as they depict the struggles of all these writers in the journey to learn to read and write.