For this Unit 1 assignment,I had a very hard time picking something to write about. I had many ideas but none really satisfied me. So what I did was I wrote every single idea that came to my mind on a piece of paper. Then I crossed each topic that did not please me. I finally ended with two ideas and from them I picked the one that I most related to. Reading “Shitty First Drafts” definitely helped me not make a mess. I loved to write lots of drafts, each one being different. I did realize though that making so many different drafts wasted most of my time and then I would end up having little time to fix my mistakes. After reading shitty first drafts I realized that not everything is going to come out perfect. I did take some of the key points of “Shitty First Drafts” and applied them while I was writing. Reading Shitty First Drafts definitely helped me be more organized and stay on topic.