Some of the social justices I have decided to write about are: 

Racial Injustice 

Gun Violence 

Gender Equality 

These are the main three I have chosen since they have a very big impact on me if not me then other loved ones that are close to me that are impacted by these topics. 

Some questions I have about these topics would be: 

Racial Injustice: 

Why do most people in this world have to face this in life? 

Why does there always end up being violence involved? 

How can it be that it’s been decades and more revolving around this topic and it hasn’t been solved yet to the point where generations of kids must be seeing this, and some get influenced by it? 

Gun Violence 

Why isn’t there a rule for who and who cannot have guns? 
Why are these guns still open to the public? 
How can young teens be able to obtain and get their hands on weapons like these? 
When is there going to be an end to gun violence? 

Gender Equality 

Why is this still a social justice issue in today’s world? 

When will there be a time when both men and women are going to be treated the same? 

How could someone like me help make a change in this issue?