
Hernandez, Jesus. “Redlining Revisited: Mortgage Lending Patterns in Sacramento 1930–2004” ijurr International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, July. 2009


This article tackled the topic of the American housing credit system still mirroring very racist longstanding ideals. One of them being that had been persistent at that time period is the high amounts of subprime lending as well as property foreclosure in non-white areas. Subprime lending in the article is described as mortgage credit with interest rates that are higher than those of conventional financing, Subprime lending targets those with poor credit history.


While this is not a current day example of how redlining’s effects are still present this does go to show ways in which people still utilize redlining to their advantage. Many places in the U.S. are still actively trying to come back from red lining and a big reason for that is because redlining was so deeply integrated into a lot of systems.