Citation 2:

Tame, Chris R. Taxation Is Theft –


            The author analyzes the state of taxation and why the government created this policy along with the fact on who profits and who loses. Tame briefly discussed the idea of economic freedom where people of all incomes are free to implore upon their choices of a better opportunity for work or business; this better opportunity, in other words is higher income. Taxation is the contradiction to this freedom according to Tame where people are being forced to pay more money they do not have. For example, Tame takes into account the National Health Service in which your care is determined by the amount of taxes, this policy is mainly known as “free services” this is where the contradiction takes place those who are low-income taxpayers receive less medical care in contrast to others who pay more in taxes. In other words, the economic freedom is being interfered by fiscal policies in which the livelihood is determined by the government. Furthermore, he acknowledged the wealthier benefit from no taxes in their businesses however, he showcased how these wealthy people are taxed upon their personal property or wealth; this is best known as a avoidance care. In addition, Tame mentioned the likes of the Rockefellers who were taxed like the average salary man despite his immense wealth, income tax can be up to 37% yet they paid way more less.


            In first glance one can immediately tell the Authors political stance, a liberal and one who believes in the true economic freedom with no government interference. These left-wing ideas are clearly discussed to the audience in my opinion this would be perfect to those who believe in socialism rather than capitalism. Although I truly do not agree with most ideas he was speaking on as they were very radical however, I can agree with some of the points expressed such as the inequality of income in which the taxpayers have to be limited with their income. This was clearly stated regarding the free services tax payers are granted in which their care is derived from their income and tax yields.