Prof. Jessica Penner | D438 | Fall 2022

Angie Ramirez , My writing process

The way I approach writing assignments is , I like to write the main topic I want to talk about or get my point across. Second, I like to write rational phrases , quotes or real life experiences that might make my writing be understandable. From there I try writing my first draft and when doing this I usually get random ideas that I know I will want to use in my writing so I write it down as quickly as possible because it comes and goes really fast. That’s how I’ve approached writing assignments and I have found it really useful for myself. There are some days where  I don’t feel like going through the whole process of writing my essay so usually I do it all last minute and I’m guessing the adrenaline makes me write my paper quicker than it usually takes me. That’s a bad habit I have and I would like to stop doing that. When I wait for the last minute I feel very rushed that I know I could’ve done better but I can’t improve it because the assignment is due in 5 minutes by this point. 

1 Comment

  1. Angie Ramirez

    1. What have you decided to focus on for your education narrative? Why have you chosen to tell this particular story?

    I decided to focus on how i learned to speak English being the first generation daughter and it’s struggles it came with. I chose this story because learning English really impacted my life. 

    1. What is the meaning/significance of your story? Why should people read it? Write this out in one sentence.

    The meaning of my story is about struggling with learning something but not being impossible to accomplish. 

    1. In one word, how do you want people to feel when they are done reading your story? 


    1. Freewrite details you remember about the situation you are describing: include people, places, dialogue, feelings, thoughts, etc. that are in some way connected to your story.

    My parents , school , teachers , home 

    Second, review what you have so far and try to label the features of your narrative arc. 

    1. Exposition/Inciting Incident (who, what, when, where and how does your story begin?)
    2. Rising Action (you should include a lot of the story details here)
    3. Climax (the moment of most drama and significance)
    4. Falling Action (what happened after?)
    5. Resolution (what was the result of this experience? What is the significance?)

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