Prof. Jessica Penner | D438 | Fall 2022

Discussion: Introductions

Please add a comment (approx. 100 words) to this post introducing yourself to the class.

  • Write a paragraph discussing your academic interests, why you chose your major, what you enjoy reading, listening to, watching, and doing in your spare time, or anything else you want to share (include your pronouns if you wish).
  • Write a paragraph about yourself as a reader and writer. What kinds of readings and writings are you drawn to? What type do you avoid and dislike? Why do you think you lean towards certain types of texts and away from others?

Before next class, please add your introduction.

Get to know your classmates by reading the comments!  Do you have something in common? Did you learn something? Reply to one of your classmatesā€™ comments.



  1. Owen Zhang

    Hi, my name is Owen Zhang. I hope we can become wonderful friends and learn from each other. My pronouns are he and him. I am looking for friends and always looking to improve myself to the best of my abilities to make others happy.

    I am interested in math because I always have had a passion for math. I feel like math comes naturally to me because I just love solving math problems. I chose this as my major because I just love to keep doing it and something related to math is really interesting to learn more about. I enjoy reading manga because they are very interesting and always show something interesting and always evolve with new challenges and which lead up to one beautiful ending. Besides reading manga, I also like watching Anime it really brings a new world into reality and it is just beautiful to see the beginning to the end. It always feels so emotional at times when you are really enjoying the anime when it feels so real in your mind. Enough about that in my spare time I also like to do with my spare time is working. I started a part-time job in the summer so I will be working in that now while I have time to do so while doing school so hopefully no stress.

    As a reader, I am not fond of really long books and books that usually bored me are usually the types I try to avoid because when books are boring you get tired of them very easily. Also, different perspective books also throw me off because when I see a different perspective from different people it causes a lot of confusion for me to decipher what is happening. I am drawn to books that are really out of the normal mindset and interesting the whole way through where they constantly make you think. Furthermore, books really cover a lot of different out-of-the-world pictures and can see visually what is going to happen next. I am more likely leaning towards these certain types of text because it helps me understand them more easily and for my brain to process them.

    • Bianca Alcaide

      Hello, my name is Bianca Alcaide. I am looking forward to meeting you all and hope we could become friends. I am in the Radiologic Technology program and I’ve chosen this program because of my sister’s. Thanks to them i became an aunt and I was always surrounded by babies. I joined the program hoping to become an ultrasound technologist and yes it is technologist not technician, they don’t fix or clean things. I am not picky about what I read but i tend to reach for a romance or mystery book from time to time although I haven’t read a book in a while.

      As a reader I like a book that’s going to have me in my feels, books that will make me feel what the author wanted the character to be feeling. I don’t mind a long book as long as it grasps my interest and it won’t bore me halfway through. If any of you have recommendations I will appreciate it.

      • Collin

        I agree a strong connection to a character in a book is key to keep a reader hooked.

      • Angie Ramirez

        Hey I see we have the same major and would like to become an ultrasound tech. And as in books I want to start reading books that get you really emotional.

    • Owen Zhang

      I agree with everything you say here.

    • Owen Zhang

      I agree with you there

  2. rchow

    Hello, my name is Ridwan Chowdhury a freshman student during this fall semester I hope we all can get through this course together with high marks; having said this please do not be afraid to come to for anything.

    My field of study is computer science my interest sparked when I realized that everything we operate, technology based, is all built upon words and numbers. These words and numbers carry data that fuel our daily hence making it my mission to understand why they do so. Itā€™s a math based major making it more challenging yet enjoyable as I take pride in my math skills.

    My hobbies and interest are almost anything that gives me a sense of fulfillment anything from coding to going to the gym or even reading books. Itā€™s just a modest way of having fun and living as I get to try everything and anything and not have any regrets.

    I wish you guys the best this fall semester!!

  3. Collin

    Hello my name is Collin. Over this semester, I hope to both improve my reading and writing as well as making new friends. I look forward to this class and working with my fellow peers. My pronouns are he/him.

    An academic interest of mine would be math comprehension . I want to understand how certain machines work that are beyond my comprehension. It intrigues me to learn about how machines work and why they work. I want to know how to create things and to be able to understand what I built on deeper level. This is why I chose mechanical engineering as my major.

    Things I enjoy to do in my spare time would be basketball, gaming, and learning about something new that can help me in the future for example investing.

    While I donā€™t tend to read many books, I do prefer non fiction books that have to do with problems in our world such as war, segregation and other things of that matter. It fascinates me to hear the stories of peoples troubles and how they triumphed over them. When I read books like those they drag me in almost as if Iā€™m there, the way books perfectly describe things like places really adds to the feeling itā€™s incredible to be able to comprehend and visualize what someone went through. While I do prefer non fiction over fiction I still find fiction interesting. Itā€™s pretty insane to be able to dive into someoneā€™s world and grow a connection to it and itā€™s characters. Books I tend to avoid are realistic non fiction. Itā€™s hard to be to intrigued by a book that could be a possible story. I guess it just becomes harder to connect to the character knowing their not real.

    • Owen Zhang

      I agree with you and to get a head start on learning is never a bad choice. Learn more to stress less!

  4. David

    Hello , my name is David F and I hope we can become the best of friends with all of you guys. My pronouns are he and him , and Iā€™m hoping that this year I get to know new people like you guys and learn more about life.
    Iā€™m interested in architecture because I always like to build stuff when I was little and look at a manual and look at the picture of the image that I was building and Iā€™m amazed bye structure of any kind of building and itā€™s story behind it and the art of that specific building and I chose this major because like I said I like to build stuff and take my creativity to another level and besides that my hobbies are to play soccer, play video games, and watch anime, and some things that I did for fun in the past was to get play violin , play guitar and I also like to cook as well and that is all you need to know about me.

    What I want to do for this year in the English class is to improve my writing and get more closer and familiar to reading books.

    • Jacky

      I agree with you since my reading level isnā€™t that high as well.

  5. Angie Ramirez

    Hi my name is Angie Ramirez. Im a freshman and this is a new chapter of my life and Iā€™m hoping to meet new people and overall have a positive college experience.
    My major is science in Radiologic Technology. I chose this major because I would like to start a career as an ultrasound technician or as an x-ray technician. Both career fields caught my attention. On my spare time I love watching movies weather its action , romance or comedy. My pronounce are she/her.
    Honestly I donā€™t read books but I would like to get into it by reading fiction and romance novels. But as a writer I like to express my opinion. I like to write essays about real life situations I just think itā€™s important to find what you believe is true in your own way and be able to prove your point.

  6. Mikebedon1

    My name is Michael Bedon and im a freshamn at NYCCT. My major at this moment is mechanical engineering and the reason why I chose this major was because of my interest of learning how machines work and operate. I enjoy reading non-fiction novels and fantasy novels such as ASOIAF. A book im starting to read is The Road by Cormac McCarthy. I also enjoy playing guitar on my spare time. I like watching tv dramas.

    • Mikebedon1

      I am more drawn to non-fiction writings and stories set in interesting settings. I usually avoid comedy writings . I feel like I avoid comedy’s because they don’t do too much for me and aren’t that comedic. I think I lean more towards stories set in interesting settings because Learning about a new world with a different structure is interesting to me. My pronouns are He/Him

  7. Sky

    Hey there, my name is Skyler but people who came across my life have called me Sky. So since I’ll be with you guys during this fall semester and working along with you, feel free to call me Sky if you’d like. My pronouns are (she/her) and (they/them), I really don’t mind being called (she/they) pronouns.

    I’ll be majoring in Architectural Technology due to the fact that it a shared interest and dream of mine and my Adoptive father who passed away going on to five years now. I’ve always had an interest in art and stories behind art as a kid. Especially in greek and norse mythology, the collection of books I’ve had would’ve been surprising comparing to how little I was, even medieval times images I’ve kept hold of. Viewing the drawn buildings, the images, seeing things in person drove me to be curious. I’d watch my father build since I wasn’t aloud to touch any materials so I gained interest in building in video games. Then I started watching videos of Architects planning and sketching with my father and I kept watching ever since, analyzing every aspect of it.

    I listen to a lot of genres of music but right now my top three is hyper pop, Alternative/indie and pop rock. I read a lot of manga and mythologies, and I watch anime and stories about mythology too. In my spare time I mainly go out and shop, play basketball/volleyball or take walks and skate. Also, I’ve been apart of the LGBTQ+ community for a while now (lesbian).

    As a reader and writer, the readings I’m drawn to is realistic fiction, Narratives, dystopian stories and olden age based stories. They really intriguing but as a writer I’m drawn to storytelling, summarizing, even creating Stories of my own. When it comes to reading a passage or story with many dialogues, I tend to avoid summarizing it since it difficult for me to analyze it and make a main point out of it. Hopefully that changes throughout this semester.

    • Luis

      This is very well written and very interesting. You took a lot of opportunities to share more about your personal life. Of course that is always great. Im sorry about your father and I’m glad that you still follow your dreams despite the hardships that you came across. If you’re trying to get better at analyzing dialogue I would suggest not focusing on what they say, and instead looking at the overall tone or the context of what was said.

  8. Jacky

    Hello my names is Jacky Dong and this is my freshman year in college. I hope I can make friend with you guys and have fun in every group work we would be doing. However I am a little bit shy and I got no talent in talking to people. And I hope I could overcome this obstacles this year.
    I am very interested in music and I do play guitar when Iā€™m in my own time. And if I could meet people who also interested in music that will be great. Iā€™m not good at reading and Iā€™m looking forward to learn and practice my reading skill. I choose computer science was because I donā€™t know what I want in college, so this year I wanna try out many majors and try to find the one best fit for me.
    As a reader, I like fictions more than non fictions, because it gives me a feeling that I am a character inside the story. However I still like non fictions, because it contains real information and real fact that we can learn from.

  9. Sebastian Cabarcas

    Hello, my name is Sebastian de Jesus Cabarcas Lozano, I am a freshman in college. I am Christian and I majoring in electromechanical engineering, I chose this major because I find computers interesting and I have always been told that Im good at computers so I feel like I have some talent in that aspect. I can be a bit outgoing depending on my mood and how comfortable I feel, also if I’ve had enough caffeine injected into my blood. My father and mother were native to the coast of colombia but i was born here. My hobbies are some sports including volleyball, soccer, and ping pong, I also play pc games like valorant and yu gi oh. I play bass at my church and thoroughly enjoy studying music.
    As a reader, the books I read mainly consist of novels and mangas, mainly korean ones(manhwas) and japanese ones. I mainly avoid horror books/novels because they dont seem intersting. Im drawn to mainly fiction books that tell a good story but I stay away from long ones because I can have a short attention span. Im not a very avid writter, but I can if its required of me because I don’t enjoy writing informative or persuasive unless I can insert my personal opinion or can tell an interesting story.

  10. Lizet Medina

    Hello my name is Lizet Medina. I’m a freshman and my intended major is Radiology. My pronouns are (she/her). I am a friendly person and always there to help. That is one of the reasons as to why I chose to be a radiologist. Another reason as to why I chose Radiology is because my high school was all about the sciences and it sort of helped me figure out that I would like to have a medical career.

    On my spare time I enjoy listening to music and just take time for myself. We sometimes don’t realize that we don’t put much time for ourselves, but it’s important that once in a while you treat yourself and overall take care of not only you’re physical state but mentally as well. I love horror movies but I also love classical shows. My favorite show of all time would be Gilmore Girls.

    As to reading, I’m not much of a reader but when a book catches my attention I will read it over and over again. In my senior year of high school my english teacher made us read a bunch of plays, but we also read many books and novels. One novel that I loved and it will always be one of my favorites is “The Color Purple”. I like to lean towards books or novels that are based on true events. I like for it to have a very deep meaning.

    As a writer Im not the best. I believe that writing is a gift that not many people are gifted with. I always try to improve my writing by correcting my mistakes, adding or removing things, as well as take the suggestion of others. Writing is something that is learned over time and sometimes isn’t perfect. I do hope that in this class I will learn new techniques that will help improve my writing.

    • Sky

      “the color purple” has to be one of my favorites, 10/10

  11. Tahnazch

    Hello, my name is Tahnaz Chowdhury. I’m an 18-year-old freshman student at New York City College of Technology. My pronouns are she/her. My academic interests are followed by the subjects of Math, English, and Sociology. I enrolled in this college in the major of Dental Hygiene because I agree with the salary, the years involved in college while pursuing this career, and the flexibility in schedule. I enjoy reading sci-fi, romance, and drama genres in books. I love music and I enjoy listening to them in my free time or when I get the opportunity. I seemed to take a pause on movies, but I do invest my time in watching tv shows when I get the chance to. During my spare time, I love to go outdoors and spend time with my loved ones including friends and family.

    As a reader and writer, I tend to get drawn to romance, thrilling, and sci-fi novels. I tend to avoid biographies or nonfiction novels. I believe I lean towards fiction more compared to non-fiction because it expands your imagination and creativity. However, with nonfiction, I feel that everything has already been given and there’s nothing left to visualize.

    • Lizet Medina

      Hi! I also agree with you on reading fiction books. I also feel like our imagination expands and there is more room for creativity. I read that you like listening to music which I do too and I also like to spend time with my family.

  12. Brittany Tenecela

    Hello my name is Brittany but most people call me Brit for short but either is fine with me. Iā€™m a freshman who is majoring in Architecture BTech and my pronouns are she/her. My academic interest would be math , art and web design. Some of the things I tend to enjoy doing on my free time would be walk around in the city by myself and going to Bryant park which is one of my favorite places to go for alone time. Some of the music I enjoy listening to is pretty much all over the place and i donā€™t mind trying out new genres and new artist. I enjoy watching horror movies ever since I was a kid my mom basically raised me to not be scared of these movies and she showed me and my siblings the classic movies that horror fanatics always start off with.

    Most of the readings or genres i have read would be mainly horror or mystery, I usually lean towards those two genres because they really make me think about some of the possible outcomes for the book and sometimes it may not be what you think and catches you off guard. I think the mystery books help me think more and get more into what Iā€™m actually reading instead of reading something that is funny or just something really really boring. I think i also enjoy these types of books because they are pretty similar to puzzles because you look at the puzzle and you may be intimidated by it at first and once you start you have to finish it to see the final outcome.

  13. Luis

    Hello, my name is Luis Perozo. I’m an 18-year-old freshman at city tech. My pronouns he/him. I enjoy playing video games or playing around with circuits. My intended major is Computer Engineering, if the playing around with circuits didn’t give it away. The reason I chose this major is because I’ve been intrigued by circuits and computers since I was a freshman in high school. I enjoy reading manga’s, journals, and Books about Greek mythology. I listen to a lot of rock music. I dislike watching Tv or movies, so at most i would watch YouTube videos.

    As a reader and writer, I am drawn to text written by Plato I also enjoy reading about historical figures/legends or myths. I avoid any text that are about drama. I also believe that i lean more towards the text that i read because they’re a lot more fun to me. I enjoy them more because most of the time they contain more depth or information.

  14. rehsila

    Hello, my name is Alisher Ismoilov (my user name is my name backwards). I’m a freshman who is majoring in CST at New York City College of Technology. I don’t need pronouns calling me by name because I am pretty sociable once I get to know people. but currently my favorite activities at the moment are playing sports like soccer, football, and volleyball. I also enjoy working out which is fun and helps keep me grounded.

    I enjoy reading books rather than writing something because reading dystopian, fiction, etc. makes you think how our society could be like or how it should be. Personally, I don’t often enjoy reading here and there when I have free time.

  15. Melanie Sacta

    Hi my name is Melanie Sacta, I am 18 years old, my pronouns are they/she
    and i’m majoring in nursing, for a long as I can remember helping people
    and learning the many functions of the human body has always been a
    passion of mine, that being said my favorite classes are biology/ science
    because being in those classes allows me to understand the functions of all
    aspects of life. I’m not that big of a reader but when I do read I find that I
    gravitate more towards poetry books and graphic novels/manga. I love
    listening to soul/r&b/kpop/popā€¦etc and I love watching anime, dramas,
    cartoons, sci-fi horror.
    As a reader I am drawn to writing that really lets the reader into the brain of
    the writer as well as writing that gives words to things I may not know how
    to express. I also enjoy writing that paints a picture in my head. I don’t
    enjoy writing that is to long and too complex to understand, I find that when
    I’m reading book like that I tend to get distracted more easily and end up
    putting the book down after only a few pages.

  16. Melanie Sacta

    Hi, my name is Melanie Sacta, I am 18 years old, my pronouns are they/she and i’m majoring in nursing, for a long as I can remember helping people and learning the many functions of the human body has always been a passion of mine, that being said my favorite classes are biology/ science
    because being in those classes allows me to understand the functions of all aspects of life. I’m not that big of a reader but when I do read I find that I gravitate more towards poetry books and graphic novels/manga. I love
    listening to soul/r&b/kpop/popā€¦etc and I love watching anime, dramas, cartoons, sci-fi horror.
    As a reader I am drawn to writing that really lets the reader into the brain of the writer as well as writing that gives words to things I may not know how to express. I also enjoy writing that paints a picture in my head. I don’t enjoy writing that is to long and too complex to understand, I find that when
    I’m reading book like that I tend to get distracted more easily and end up
    putting the book down after only a few pages.

  17. Giovanni Lucero

    Hello, my name is Giovanni Lucero Herrera. I’m a freshman at city tech and my major is data science analyst and what I like to list to lil uzi vert and Kendrick Lamar and on my spare time I like to resell on items such as sneaker and hats and clothes because there is a community for the resell bussines and I want to improve my reading

  18. Tahnazch

    Tahnaz Chowdhury,, Discussion of ā€œHow to Read Like a Writerā€.
    One specific moment that I found useful and would consider using myself is introducing an essay with a question. While organizing an essay with a question, it allows the essay to introduce and familiarize a topic. This also may allow the audience to change their perspective and question themselves. Bunn has stated, ā€œThe goal is to carefully consider the choices the author made and the techniques that he or she used, and then decide whether you want to make those same choices or use those same techniques in your own writing. ā€. This quotation had made me realize that I had never quite put myself in the position of the writer: to think, speak, and communicate the way the writer has. In most cases, I would simplify the quotation in my terms. But, I would love to consider putting my feet into the shoes of the author.

  19. Fahim

    Hello, my name is Fahimujjaman Towhid (ik it’s long & hard so I prefer to by my nickname – “Fahim”). My pronouns are He/Him. I’m excited to be a part of this class, hoping to make some good friends in this process.
    My major is Computer information system. My fav subject is math (Algebra). I choose this major because I was always fascinated by the computers & how they work, things we do can do with them. I dont really enjoy reading in general. I listen to different types of music but mostly hindi/bangalie music. In my spare time I like to go outside & Chill. I enjoy working out often. I love playing sports like cricket, volleyball, badminton. I enjoy biking. I’m an outdoor person, i prefer being out & exploring.
    As a reader I’m not that good. I don’t like reading for most part but I don’t want to change that cause reading can help me improve. I lean towards texts that include real life events, or text that help me understand life, money, & people around me better.

    So yeah I’m not the reader, writer type, I’m more outgoing, open, friendly person. I enjoy sports. Hope to enjoy this class & hope to get along well with everyone.

  20. Cristina Cuate

    Hello my name is Cristina Cuate. I am achieving to get my associate’s degree in optical dispensing. I find it really fascinating how much our eyes work and can detect when something is wrong, for example like any diseases. I started an internship with optics during January 2020 but as you know COVID-19 happened and shut down everything. I always enjoy going to the optometrist and I think what they do is pretty amazing. I love going out and enjoy listening to Kendrick Lamar, Joji, Frank Ocean, etc. My favorite shows are ā€œThe Officeā€ and ā€œNew Girlā€.

    I am somewhat a reader, trying to find something good to read is hard. Definitely not a writerā€¦Iā€™ve always struggled to word things that make sense when it comes to english literature. If I had to choose one kind of genre to read it would be non-fiction or just anything thatā€™s informative. I would really like to improve my writing and reading this semester and enjoy english.

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