Citation: :TEDxTalks, director. YouTube, YouTube, 13 Nov. 2014, Accessed 7 Nov. 2022

Summary: According to the Ted Talk, shockingly, 44% of American students in grades 6–12 report that they do not feel valued at school. Students face many hardships trying to find their way around standardized tests because it is believed that these exams determine your national ranking. Nikki Adeli is discussing that there is more to schooling and life than trying to define yourself based on your rank on a test. There is nothing bad about testing in general, but it’s the concept of testing that is negatively affecting students’ mentality. We want to set good goals and purposes of schooling to help grow a citizen and not produce a good test taker because it’s not something that is useful in the real world. We want what’s best for students because we want students to do well so they can replace us one day and come up with policies to improve society and the global economy.  We want to be able to apply what we learn in school to the outside world because that is what grows a citizen and that is going to prepare them to be future leaders of tomorrow. Students  need to set high expectations in order to help them out because there are many times where we are going to fail and years where they are going to make mistakes and a mentor is needed along the way to help us create the future. To make students our future leaders of tomorrow is by making them the leaders of today, which is only done by investing into the present. However, by investing into the present then sure enough the future will take care of itself. 

