Prof. Jessica Penner | D4308 | Fall 2022

Yoshinao Higuchi, My writing process

I usually don’t write drafts unless I am told to. I revise the original one, and that’s pretty much it. I find it challenging to start my introduction, and it usually takes one or two hours before I can start writing. Once I figure out the introduction and have a general idea of what I’m going to write about, I can finish without too much struggle. Although there are times when I am not happy with the writing I just created, I rewrite and start a new one or edit the parts I didn’t like. When I finish my writing assignment, I check back a couple of times to ensure I included the things I wanted.

1 Comment

  1. Yoshi

    What have you decided to focus on for your education narrative? Why have you chosen to tell this particular story? 

    I have chosen to write about how I came from another country and the learning process I had to go through. I have chosen this story because I want the readers to know how the learning process is for someone who didn’t know anything about English.

    What is the meaning/significance of your story? Why should people read it? Write this out in one sentence. 

    The significance of my story is that it’s not impossible to learn something you have no knowledge of.

    In one word, how do you want people to feel when they are done reading your story? Relatable.

    Freewrite details you remember about the situation you are describing: include people, places, dialogue, feelings, thoughts, etc. that are in some way connected to your story.

    I remember watching spongebob SquarePants and I had no clue what the show was about but I used visual clues, body language and sound to figure out a rough idea of what each episode was talking about.

    Exposition/Inciting Incident (who, what, when, where and how does your story begin?) 8 year old me didn’t realized that his life was about to change.

    Rising Action (you should include a lot of the story details here) process of me learning English through many methods.

    Climax (the moment of most drama and significance) being able to speak decently still struggling a little bit.

    Falling Action (what happened after?) It’s been years and the things I used to struggle with are no longer a problem.

    Resolution (what was the result of this experience? What is the significance?)

    English is basically my mother tongue now.

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