ENG 1133 – Specialized Communication for Technology Students

Course Description

“A course designed to develop oral and written communication skills which are required of engineering technologists in writing technical reports and in presenting their content orally. In developing writing skills, course work will cover filling out pre-printed report forms, learning the principles of formal and informal report writing and writing both of these types of reports, the documented and researched report, composing letters and writing resumes. In developing speaking skills, course work includes expressing ideas clearly and concisely in oral reports, organizing information and summarizing. This course develops students’ writing and speaking skills through assigned readings and performances in both areas.”

Course Synopsis

“ENG 1133 is designed to push you far beyond your existing capabilities and limitations in writing for a technical workplace. In this course, you will practice useful, professional communications defined by a variety of conceptual processes, technical tools, and genres. As part of your work in ENG 1133, you will be responsible for the thorough study and review of course readings, and the development of an extended writing project that demonstrate effective professional practice. This will require extensive time and dedication on your part , but the reward will be your greatly enhanced ability to communicate things to others that are important to you, and in a more professional way. This, in turn, will open up yet unseen opportunities for innovation and leadership as your career develops. In other words, if you do your job this course will change your life.”

Selected Student Feedback

“As a student at City Tech, I have never experienced a class like English 1133 with Professor Corbett. For one, we were asked to make a decision on what it is we wanted to work on for the rest of the semester. We can either follow a syllabus, write essays and reports or we can choose to work on something new and from scratch so to speak or work on a project….Once I began to work on the project in the classroom, it started to feel more like a team than a class…the way we began to work with one another and how we all got along well with each other. We began to rely on one another and our teammates for the different assignments of the project that we were responsible to get done.” – N.C (2018)

This was a class full of surprises and I was ready for hard work already but what I wasn’t prepared for was what was in store for me being a part of this team. If I must write this essay about myself that would have to include my team, they were a big part of how I survived this semester and how I was able to manage the work and tasks at hand. Professor Corbett really had amazing insight into how to build a team and how to sustain confidence within this team for sure. I have never experienced a class like this before.” – C.A. (2018)

“Thanks Professor Corbett for all your meetings during my academic journey!  I will graduate Magna cum laude Yea!  You were so inspirational, and I hope the best for you with all your proposals. BEST Robert” – (R.H. 2021)

Course Documents

Below you will find documents from the last ENG 1133 course I taught in Fall 2018. Because of the small size of the class, I offered to let the class develop one group project together through the pitch and proposal stage. This particular course was designed as an in person course with OpenLab used for public facing documents and Google Drive used for team management and file exchange. As a capstone activity, students had to write a reflective essay on the experience.



Course Materials


CUNY Open Source DIY Rover Presentation


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