ENG 1161 – Language and Thinking

Course Description

“A study of communication designed to increase understanding and control of language on both the individual and social levels. Class work includes reading and discussion of elements of semantics and psycholinguistics and guided practice in effective thinking..”

Course Synopsis

“This course explores language—how it is acquired by people and how they use it to make things happen in the world. This includes: (a) the role between language use and power, (b) an individual’s journey in/through language, (c) the relationship between thought and language, (d) how language is used within society, and (e) how experts and non-experts understand language differently.”

Selected Student Feedback

“This professor annoyed me to no end at first. Little did I know he was one of the few professors I would encounter at City Tech who goes above and beyond for his students. He makes you WORK but it is not done in vain. Lesson learned: don’t judge a book by its cover.” – Anonymous (2020)

Course Documents

Below you will find documents from my most recent ENG 1161 course taught in the Spring 2020 semester. This particular course was designed as an in-person course, but the pandemic required a rapid shift to an online asynchronous course delivered over Zoom with OpenLab used for written Discussions and Google Drive used for file exchange.



Course Materials



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