ENG 1101LC – “Psychology + Writing: Discovering Your Best Self”

Course Description

“A course in effective essay writing and basic research techniques including use of the library. Demanding readings assigned for classroom discussion and as a basis for essay writing.”

Course Synopsis

“Psychology + Writing:  Discovering Your Best Self invites you to join us on a journey of discovering your best self through psychology and writing. Learn how we are all shaped by biological, social, and cultural forces. Practice shaping your identity as a consumer and producer of knowledge and make your mark as a member of the City Tech community. Connect, coexist, and learn what it means to be a global citizen from each other in our language- and communication-based world.”

Selected Student Feedback

“Going into my first semester of college, I had no idea of what to expect in the next four months. I did not anticipate the enlightenment and inspiration I would receive from one mandatory course I had to take in my academic time. But that is exactly what I got. I have always desired a figure in my life who will push me to do great things and give me some sort of motivation to do something meaningful with my abilities. What I did not expect was a professor  will be that push I needed.…Therefore, coming up with one answer to the question of “What will I do with what I have learned,” is insufficient. I am only able to provide you with a question, and that is simply, what can’t I do?” – H.M. (2019)

“The class was always way more than reading a text and writing an essay, the class was about actually learning real life values, and using them however you want, the class was about learning how to think, and then think again, and again because there’s always so much to gain. The class was honestly one of the best things that has happened to me….” – J.O. (2019)

Course Documents

Below you will find documents from my ENG 1101-LC course taught with PSY in the Spring 2019 semester. This particular course was designed as an in person course with Google Drive used for file exchange.



Course Materials



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