Author Archives: Randi Sobhan

Journal 7 – Project Proposal

I honestly don’t know what do for a project. I am interested in sound/audio and LEDs and would enjoy doing a project related to those areas. I have an idea in mind but am not sure how to accomplish it. … Continue reading

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Journal 6 – Controllers

The micro-controller I have chosen is the Arm Cortex A8. This chip will be used in the upcoming Arduino Tre which will make it the most powerful Arduino to date. It features a 1GHZ processor which is very fast compared … Continue reading

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Lab 2 – Vivisection – Randi Sobhan

Vivisection Objective Take apart FM transmitter and reassemble device back to working order.  While dissasmbling device we are taking notes on what chips the transmitter uses   Materials 1 FM transmitter 1 Phillips Head Screwdriver 1 Flathead Screwdriver 4. Mysterious … Continue reading

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Week 5 Journal – Miga Rotary 6P

I missed last week’s class but its obvious the topic was on actuators. The actuator I have chosen is the Miga Rotary 6P. Here is a brief description from sparkfun where the actuator can be purchased, “Description: Nanomuscle is a … Continue reading

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Journal 3 – Color Sensor – Randi Sobhan

Journal 3 – Color Sensor “The sensor essentially consists of an RGB LED and a photo cell placed right next to each other with a small divider between them so that the light of the LED does not directly hit … Continue reading

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Week 3 Journal – Randi Sobhan

Looking at my two previous posts I can see that I’m interested in machinery. Both my of journals had Arduino being used to control some sort of machine. Its probably over my head but for my project I would like … Continue reading

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Week 2 Journal – The Inebriator Cocktail Machine – Randi Sobha

I found a cocktail machine that is made using Arduino. It is a work in progress but it already is very interesting in my opinion. It basically is a machine that will make a drink for you based on what … Continue reading

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Week 1 Journal – Randi Sobhan

I basically don’t have any experience with electronics. I took a CST class 4 semesters ago and don’t remember much of it. I have a general understanding of electricity and networking between computers. I’ve always between interested in the topics … Continue reading

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