Author Archives: Michael Sauder

Week 3 Journal

I, too, have been fascinated with the 3D LED cubes. They look very cool cool visually, but…. they’re lacking somewhat in interactivity. You look at them, but you don’t touch them (perhaps for fear that they’ll collapse). But taking a … Continue reading

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Week 2 Journal – automated blinds

Maker-type folks often seem to like doing really outlandish, creative projects (often accompanied with lots of flashy LEDs). Or robots. Lots and lots of robots. But neither of those kinds of projects really appeal to me, they’re not my type. … Continue reading

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Week 1 journal

I have an IT degree and have taken courses in Visual Basic and Java and self-taught Ruby. I took the electronics lab course last semester and am taking C++ this semester. I’d love to have a gizmo that could be … Continue reading

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