Author Archives: michaelp85

Lab Report Week 9: Surging Servos

Objective: Connect servomotor and control servomotor through the use of an Arduino. A servomotor is a rotary actuator that allows for precise control of angular position, velocity and acceleration. Materials Servomotor Arduino “SERVO”library Jumper cables Procedure: Plug in Arduino to … Continue reading

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(late) Journal Entry Week 6

Microcontrollers can found in almost everything nowadays. But I was surprised to find out that one of the most popular ones to use is still that which is considered the Granddaddy of them all.   Of course being who I … Continue reading

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(late) Journal Entry Week 5

There are many actuators to choose from that go along well with the Arduino. I came across the TFT LCD screen while looking through the Arduino store:   As I am writing this late I came across this screen and … Continue reading

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(late) Journal Entry week 4

The sensor I am going to talk about is an EMG/EKG sensor. What is an EMG sensor you ask? STOP being lazy and read my other post but here is a video that should help out if your still not … Continue reading

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(late) Journal Entry Week 3

I sat around thinking alot of what I would like to do with an Arduino. I can only think of one thing that makes any sense to me. I want to control a robotic arm through use of my muscle … Continue reading

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Week 5 Lab – Vivisection of stuffs

OBJECTIVE:  Vivisection of MP3-4 Multimedia Player Material: MP3-4 Portable game multimedia player, 2 Philips screwdrivers, macro-cameras, helping hands.(Prof Baker, Peter) Method:    ·      Take “before” picture of device ·      Identify first 6 screws to be removed – so that back … Continue reading

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Week 4 Lab Report : Guts, Gears, and Motherboards

Objective: Open up and document the inner workings of a Cisco/Linksys router and a smaller working electronic device. Material: Professor Baker, Linksys srw 2008 mp 8 port Gigabit switch, screw drivers hex wrenches, vice grips, pry bar Method: 1)     Identify … Continue reading

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Week 2 Journal Entry: The future with Arduino!

So besides all the large scale applications that most developers want to use the Arduino for I am most excited about a small application certain people are trying. Lets face it the leap motion and other such technologies are far … Continue reading

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Week 1 Journal Entry: Background

My name is Michael Perez. I have learned java and C++. I spent a long time working with radios, opening them, fixing them, and operating them. I am currently taking learning SQL and plan on teaching myself python. If I … Continue reading

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