Author Archives: 37337

Week 5 – Actuators – 3B Scientific U56001 Vibration Generator

This is a make-up of the assignment on actuators. Since I was interested in Cymatics phenomena, I chose an appropriate actuator which could be used to generate vibrations that result in said patterns appearing. That device is the “3B Scientific … Continue reading

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Lab Week 4 : Linksys SRW2008 MP8 Switch + PS disassembly

Objective: Our objective in this weeks lab is to open the hardware provided (in this case, a Linksys switch + power adapter) and examine & document some of the core components contained within Equipment: 1x Linksys SRW2008 MP 8 Port … Continue reading

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Journal Week 4

War. War never changes. The end of the world occurred pretty much as we had predicted. Too many humans, not enough space or resources to go around. The details are trivial and pointless, the reasons, as always, purely human ones… … Continue reading

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Dino – Journal 3 – “Kymatica”

Tesla famously said: The enigmatic genius with whom I share a common birthplace (the former Yugoslavia) ushered in the electrical era and revolutionized many aspects of modern day life, including radio (usually credited to Marconi but actually derived from Tesla’s … Continue reading

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Week 2: Mind-Controlled Arduino Robot

“Mind Control” is a fascinating subject and a personal interest of mine. Of particular interest is the aptly named MKULTRA program, a clandestine CIA operation portrayed subversively in Stanley Kubrick’s final magnum opus, Eyes Wide Shut, and revealed and confirmed … Continue reading

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