Week 4 Lab Report-Dissecting Electronics

Title: Dissecting Electronics

Objective: Take apart a router and a power supply and put it back together and have it functioning after putting in back together.

Materials: Linksys SRW2008MP Business series 8-port gigabit switch
Safety glasses
Pry Bar
Vice grips

1. We used a screwdriver to remove the rubber feet to get access to the screws underneath them.
2. While unscrewing, we noticed that that the power supply was very difficult to open.
3. Eventually vice grips and a pry bar along with safety glasses were needed to finish the task.
4. After completing the task of opening the power supply, we took pictures of the circuit board.
5. The class then examined the power supply.
6. We then noticed that they put little “booby traps,” or signs where the company can tell that it was messed with
7. We then tried to remove the router case with a screwdriver.
8. This was difficult but not as bad as the power supply, so we then switched to a flathead screwdriver.
9. We had to remove the side first, then we removed the front panel.
10. When the front is removed, we noticed a ribbon cable on the console input.
11. We then examined both the AC/DC power supply and router
12. We took apart the router for a little bit.
13. We then took apart the last connector on the router and next thing we know, it was time to clean up.

We were able to take it apart and analyze it, but we were not able to put it back together.

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