Week 12 Extra Credit


Because our controller doesn’t seem to work we were able to get a new one from the company. While we wait for it we Decided to take apart our old one. Maybe we can find out what’s wrong.

-Why wont it work lets take it apart and see what we can see:

New Controller

-Took out the first of many screws lets see if we can get it open

the screws

-Just give it a little tug…

pulling apart

-There it is!!

opened up

-Lets get a closer look


-Hmmm that looks right…

taking it out

-Get a little closer look

riped out

-Hmmmm I don’t think that’s the right way to do it

the stuffed paper


-In the end we found that between the antenna and the board was a little piece of double sided tape for some reason. After taking away the tape and re soldering some bad solder jobs and reconnecting the antenna a little better we still couldn’t get it to work. While this didn’t pan out at least we know that we gave it our best shoot and we know for sure it is not the controllers board that’s giving us problems. Hmmmm maybe its something else…… But that’s a project for another day.



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