All the parts for our project have been laid out and have been ordered. Anything else we my need will hopefully be minor and can easily be purchased. I am currently trying to figure out the microphone placement. Also the group is considering the use of two separate Arduinos. This would minimize the amount of wiring in the jacket. I am considering using a separate mic for each system so if one were to fail at least some of the leds will still work. Dennis will be bringing in the blazer so we can better understand what we are working with. I currently want to place the mic on the lower lapel of the blazer so it will be a distance away from one mouth, yet still be exposed. Things are going smoothly as planned hopefully the pace stays this way
I am also beginning to think about the video we will use to display the blazer which is currently called “Raver’s Blazer”. I think the first half of the video should show how the blazer works while the second half shows the blazer in action.