Week 9 Journal Entry (AUV Project Update)

This week I was focused primary on researching different sensors that can be used by the AUV…. The sensors can be used to detect and avoid obstacles, and there are also sensor to judge the depth of the AUV. One example that I came across used an differential pressure transducer with and Ardurino  to determine water pressure in increments.


This sensor is used to measure the water pressure at the bottom of the water tank, and then can tell how much pressure is present by how much the tank is filled.

With regards to the distance sensor, this can detect objects as well as provide feedback data. There are many on the market that works with the Ardurino and range from $18.00 to $30; however the water proof devices are a bit more pricey


Senix TSPC-21S-232 ToughSonic Waterproof Ultrasonic Distance Sensor  USD $849.00

Im sure that we will be able to find a cheaper device. Worse case we will purchase the cheaper one and waterproof it ourselves.






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One Response to Week 9 Journal Entry (AUV Project Update)

  1. michaelp85 says:

    This is a great area to focus on. I was trying to look into similar sensors. Have you found anything about possibly using a land based sensor (which are cheaper) but just waterproofing it. I don’t know if it would work but maybe a possible solution for now?

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