Journal 8

Our Lofty Goal

Our Lofty Goal

Our team is going to attempt to build an underwater ROV with a mechanical arm to retrieve items.  Initially I wanted to make a submersible that could be used for some sort of covert environmental operation.  But over time, as I did some research and learned just what that would entail, I came to realize that I needed to modify my goal.  Eventually I found a web site from MIT, which contains every thing you need to build the SeaPerch, which is pictured above.  Usually this project is done in slightly larger groups than ours and takes a solid semester of work.  So again, the goal must be adjusted – but now I think that we are dealing with-in the realm of possibility.

Below is the builder’s manual and parts list (with item numbers, cost, and vendors) which I downloaded from the site.  My first task is to go through the parts list line by line and check out each element.  Their total cost was just over $600 but we won’t  have to spend anywhere near that much.  For starters, their tools were almost 30%  but between all of the member of our group we already own most of them.  So which ones do we have?  Which are available to us through the college?  Then there are the other parts required.  You know, the ones needed for construction and operation.  I have to go through that line by line and (again) figure out what we have and don’t  have – then we can lay out our construction plan.

As soon as we have a detailed plan of attack I will procure my portion of the materials and then start constructing the frame.  At the same time I will collaborate with my team mates on the requirements of our sensors, actuators, and controllers.  They must operate seamlessly


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