Week 7 – Group Project Proposal by Frank Mason

The group that I am a part of consists of Yaro, Jorge Lara and myself.

Hell Rabbit

We have decided to continue work on the interactive toy bunny project, nicknamed “Hell Rabbit”. However, we have made the decision to incorporate more aspects of the project such as LED Lighting (and possibly motion controls, but that is not confirmed). The finished version will be whenever an individual enters the room, the bunny will become a certain color. For example, if you are 5 feet away, it will light up as Red and play “New Ambassador” from the Omen soundtrack. Another instance is when someone walks up to the bunny and they are 1 foot away. The bunny will then light up green and will play “Demise of Mrs. Baylock” from the same soundtrack. The purpose of this project is to make the “Hell Rabbit” as scary as humanly possible. With the addition of the LED lights, we hope to put some real scare into it the bunny.

My specific role in this project for the interactive toy bunny will be to work on the programming. The programming will consist of inputting measurements to determine distance. Once that factor has been determined, randomized sounds will play and the colors of the LED light will change in accordance with the distance. I will also be working on the assembly of the mechanical parts of the bunny along with Yaro and Jorge. To accomplish this portion of the project, we will first need to measure the size of the bunny and determine what other specific parts (in addition to the ones specified by Yaro) will be necessary for completion of the assembly of the bunny to incorporate the LED Lights.

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2 Responses to Week 7 – Group Project Proposal by Frank Mason

  1. 37337 says:

    Sorry but could not help thinking of the Donnie Darko bunny.


    Which aspects of the bunny will light up, the eyes? Or are you planning to somehow project an internal LED into a translucent skin or something of that sort?

  2. Frank Mason says:

    From what I got through our last meeting, the LED Lights will be on the exterior of the bunny, however, that could change as the project develops. But the eyes will be replaced with LED Lights to try and increase the scariness of the Bunny, hence the name “Hell Rabbit”.

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