Week 4 Lab Rebort-Sil

Objective; To dissect and document the parts of a network switch and attempt to put it back together so it can work.

Materials; Licksys SRW2008 MP 8port gigabit switch, assorted philips head screwdrivers, vice, flat head screwdriver, giant pry-bar.


1) Peel of warranty sticker to make yourself not feel so bad.

2) take off rubber feet to expose screws.

3) only get two screws out.

4) jam giant flat head screwdriver and try to pry open box

4a) try a pry-bar when flat head breaks

5) curse the technology gods for not making it easier

6) pop open box and almost get shocked

7) yell in jubilation of finally getting it open

8) throw away striped screws in anger

9) examine circuit board

10) take a bunch of low resolution photos on cell phone

11) go over different circuit parts

12) remove circuit screws

13) take out circuit board

14) take more low rez photos


After some hard work we were able to open the power supply and look over the circuit board.




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