Dino – Journal 3 – “Kymatica”

Tesla famously said:

The enigmatic genius with whom I share a common birthplace (the former Yugoslavia) ushered in the electrical era and revolutionized many aspects of modern day life, including radio (usually credited to Marconi but actually derived from Tesla’s patents), alternating current, magnetic propulsion systems, Tesla Coils and a plethora of “out of time” and often fantastical creations such as a death ray gun, earthquake generator, and the holy grail of repressed technology: wireless transmission of power.

Tesla was the genius, Edison the classical cut-purse capitalist crony; that today, we are surrounded by so many of Nikola’s creative and intellectual manifestations even though he had to face the worst kind of deplorable, throw-you-under-the-bus competitiveness (Tesla died basically penniless) is a testament to his brilliance and the resilience of a man who believed (and acted upon!) what he said: “Science is but a perversion of itself unless it has as its ultimate goal the betterment of humanity.”

So what did he mean by unveiling the ‘secrets of the universe?’

My intuition and research tells me it has something to do with Cymatics.

Cymatics (from Greek: κῦμα “wave”) is the study of visible sound and vibration, a subset of modal phenomena. Typically the surface of a plate, diaphragm, or membrane is vibrated, and regions of maximum and minimum displacement are made visible in a thin coating of particles, paste, or liquid.[1] Different patterns emerge in the excitatory medium depending on the geometry of the plate and the driving frequency.”

Recent discoveries in quantum physics have revolutionized our take on matter and the mysterious universe we live in. No longer are we static images made up of tiny little building blocks but rather something more spectacular and daunting: on the quantum level we see infinitely divisible particles that have tendencies to exist and vibrate in and out of various states that follow no “normal” rules of physics. Bilocation, quantum entanglement, and non-local instantaneous communication of particles is the norm in the subatomic realm.

Enter the wonderful world of SOUND. Here is a great example of how sound (vibratory frequencies) give rise to the everyday form of reality; literally, an example of sound shaping matter. I even think that this is what is meant by Genesis 1:1 “In the beginning there was  the WORD” although I won’t dive into theology at this point.

The patterns arising are increasingly complex, geometrical and awe-inspiring (and strangely, can be found across many an ancient temple/church/ashram)

And another:

skip to :44  for sacred geometry goodness!

To generate the frequencies needed for the pretty patterns to pop up, we are going to build this baby:


P.S >>> Must see! Some more ‘cymagic’ – 24 hz sine wave filmed with a 24FPS camera.

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3 Responses to Dino – Journal 3 – “Kymatica”

  1. Yaro says:

    Very interesting entry. Water experiment literally just blew my mind. Don’t know why, but it reminds me of the Feral Fountby G. Barsamian. Maybe because both projects are dealing with the persistence of vision. Anyway, thank you for posting and good luck with your project!

  2. Randi Sobhan says:

    That is very interesting. I could definitely see this being incorporated in concerts and and other artistic events.

  3. stephanie s says:

    I was shocked at how beautiful the water images were. If I wasn’t committed to act of ecco-terrorism then I would definitely want to make things like that.

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